
Is my blog down, or is it just me?

Here is a guide with a few steps to follow if your site/blog is down for you, but are not sure if it really is.

Many of our clients seem to think that if they cannot get to their site, then it is down.  Most of the time it is because they have been locked out of their account for to many failed login attempts.

So if you are not able to visit your site/blog and think it may be down, here are a couple tools that will allow you to really find out what is up!

First, here is an obvious one that can help – http://www.isup.mehttp://downorisitjustme.com/ – http://www.checksite.us – http://www.sitestatus.net/

Another way would be to have your friends visit your site and if it is down for them, then it is really down.

And the last way would be to contact your hosting provider to find out if it is up, and if it is to unblock your computer, and help you remember your log-in info.


RFE’s Quick HTML Guide

Today’s Daily Internet Tip is about HTML, and how to use it.

So i thought today id focus on helping those that need it get help on learning HTML.

HTML, which stands for Hyper Text Markup Language.

HTML is what websites are written in, its the building block of the internet.

For many years i have been building/customizing websites and have had the opportunity to learn alot about how HTML works. Just the past couple years i have finally started to understand it, and really get into it.

I remember when i was in Middle School and i was in a Technology class. We had a project that i don’t remember all the details but for my project i chose to create a web page.

I had no idea how or what to do, so i looked around the Interweb and found a few great guides on learning HTML.

Here are a few of my favorite sites on learning HTML:

  1. w3schools
  2. htmlgoodies

I still use both those sites today, they are a very good reference, and id suggest them to anyone that wants to learn HTML, or wants to better their skills.

Here are a few examples on some HTML code with what they do.
How to create links:

First here is the link, or Anchor code: <a href=”link”>Link Name</a>.
And here is a link in action:
And the code for this link:
<a title=”RFEHosting” href=”http://www.RFEHosting.com” target=”_blank”>RFEHosting.com</a>

“<a” is your starting tag, its the “Anchor” tag.
“Href” is the reference tag, meaning what you linking to.

The “title” tag creates text that will display when you mouse over the link.

“Target” is the target the link will go, some options for its values are:

  • "_blank" <-- Most popular, opens the link in a new window/tab
  • "_parent"
  • "_self"
  • "_top"

Then you close the link by using the “>”, then you name your link, And fully close it using </a>.

How to insert images.

Here is the basic syntax for inserting images into a webpage:

<img src=”imagelink” alt=”” title=”” />

Then here is a example of its usage:
RFEHOSting Logo

<img title=”RFEHosting” src=”https://rfehosting.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/logo.png” alt=”RFEHOSting Logo” />

“<img” is your opening code to start inserting a link into a webpage.

The “title” tag creates text that will display when you mouse over the image .

“src” is the source location of the image.

“alt” is alternate text that describes the image.

Then you close the image with “/>”

Links and images are the most used HTML tags, they are used on pretty much every single page on the internet.

Here are some links of some “Cheat Sheets” for HTML:

HTML Characters

That ends this internet tip, till next time.

If you have any questions,comments or other guides that could help, please feel free to comment and leave links.


How to take a picture or video of your screen and share them with others

Download the Program

1.) Download the Jing program here: http://www.techsmith.com/download/jing/
Note: Make sure to download the correct version for your operating system.

2.) Go through the installation process and then launch your Jing program. As part of the configuration process, you will need to sign up for a free Jing account that allows you to upload videos and pictures in real time.

How to Use Jing:

3.) Once you’ve launched the Jing application, it should appear as a little yellow sun at the top of your screen.

4.) Hover your mouse cursor over this sun, and click on the left most option that looks like a plus sign “+”. You will now have a large mouse cursor, and the purpose is to highlight the area that you want to capture. You will most likely want to capture what is going on in your web browser, so you will want to point the cursor over the topmost area of your browser window. Once you’ve highlighted the area that you want to capture, click your mouse.

Note: If the area that is highlighted does not look correct, just press your ESC (escape) button on your keyboard and re-select the area that you want to capture.

5.) Once you’ve selected your capture area, options will appear at the bottom left-hand corner of the capture area. You will have the choice to choose between:


If you select the “Capture Image”

A picture has now been taken of the area, and the picture will appear on your screen in front of you.

6.) Enter a name for the image and then click “Share via Screencast.com” option. (It is the leftmost option on the menu bar that appears underneath your picture. It looks like three arrows moving upward).

Your image will upload to a public web server, and when it is completed, a success message will display:

7.) Click on the link that says “Your capture has been sent and the link is ready to be pasted”. Your web browser will open up to the picture that has been uploaded.

On this new page, look to the top of your web browser and copy the URL. You can now share your screenshot by pasting that URL, because it will take anyone to view your picture.

Click here to go to the next step


If you select the “Capture Video” option:

6b.) A countdown will occur, after which a video will be recorded of whatever you do inside of the capture area. Once you have finished, click on the “Stop” button located to the bottom left corner of your capture area.

A video has now been taken of your actions inside the capture area, and the preview will appear on your screen in front of you.

7b.) Enter a name for the video and then click “Share via Screencast.com” option. (It is the leftmost option on the menu bar that appears underneath your picture. It looks like three arrows moving upward).

Your video will upload to a public web server, and when it is completed, a success message will display:


8.) After you’ve captured a video or picture, click on the link that says “Your capture has been sent and the link is ready to be pasted.” It will open that link in your web browser window to show you what people will see when you paste the link.

Now you have an image and /or video of your actions, and can paste a link so that anyone around the world can view this picture / video.

Note: Please remember, we don’t offer technical support on how to use these tools, but if you want to learn more you can always visit the support resources offered by the makers of the software.

Additional Resources:

Jing Tutorials – http://www.techsmith.com/learn/jing/

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