
Weekend Service Outages – 11/25/2012

Yesterday and today there has been a full service/network outage across all our systems, as well as many others.
The problems are based out of our network data-center in Texas, and are out of our control.

So far it looks like it has been resolved. *fingers crossed* But there still might be a few hosting clients that are not able to access their sites even though the servers are back up and running.

If you are not able to access your site, please read over this blog post and run the tests to find out if it is on your end, or ours- https://www.rfehosting.com/blog/guides/misc/is-my-blog-down-or-is-it-just-me
Also, please fully clear your browser cache, then restart your computer and try again. – http://www.wikihow.com/Clear-Your-Browser%27s-Cache

If all else fails, feel free to contact us via ticket, chat, email, and we will look into the issue further.

—————————- UPDATE – 11/26/2012 – 8:43 AM MST —————————-
Our Data-center is going to be doing some last fixes/updates on the network today. It is unknown if there will be any downtime, if there is it should be short.

We will update you if there is any, and how long it may be.

Thank you for your patience.
Aaron Eaton



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