
How To Add Images To A WordPress Post


There are lots of good reasons to add photos to your blog and/or website.  The most obvious reason is that they make the content better.  After all, nobody wants to read through thousands of words of text without a few pictures to make it more entertaining–and many pictures can in fact enhance or explain the content that is being shown.  Another, equally compelling reason to add images, however? Content that features images does better in terms of SEO than content that relies entirely on text.  If you’re new to WordPress, the odds are you’re getting used to a whole lot of information all at once, so here’s some good news: adding photos and images to your WordPress posts is extremely easy!  Here’s how:

Adding Images to WordPress

The process of adding an image to a WordPress post is slightly different depending where you are getting the image from, so here are three different scenarios all with specific instructions.

Uploading an image from your computer.  Simply place your cursor where you want the image to appear, then drag the file from its folder directly over WordPress.

Uploading from your media library.  If you’d like to simply attach a photo that is already in your WordPress media library, all you need to do is place the cursor where you’d like the image to appear, then click on add media, which is located directly above your editor.  Select media library, then find the image you wish to use and select it.  You will be given the chance to edit its settings before uploading; you can use this if you’d like or just ignore it.

Using another photo from the web. Once again, begin by clicking on add media.  Then, select the insert from URL tab and provide the URL of the image you wish to use.  Please note, however, that with this method the image will still be hosted on the original website–meaning that, should the owner take the image down, it will no longer remain on your website either.

With these three methods for adding images to your WordPress posts, you’ll be on your way to creating great, SEO-friendly content in no time!

How To Add Images To A WordPress Post
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How To Add Images To A WordPress Post
There are lots of good reasons to add photos to your blog and/or website.
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RFE Hosting
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