
How To Add The Disqus Comment System

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WordPress may come with its own comment section, but if you’re serious about presenting your users with a refined and professional experience, then it is highly recommended that you make use of Disqus. It’s easy to see that the comment hosting service is popular.  Not only is it featured on more websites than any other comment hosting service, it is also used by many prominent sites–from CNN to Wired and everything in between!  Disqus makes moderating comments easy while offering users a unified platform through which they can express themselves.  Here is a quick and practical guide to installing Disqus!

Installing Disqus in 6 easy steps

  1. Go to the Disqus website and create an account (or simply login if you already have one!)
  2. Click For Websites (which can be found right next to the Disqus logo) Then, on the next screen, click add Disqus to your site.
  3. Provide the requested information.  You will need to give the name of your blog/website, then choose a URL for your website on the Disqus system. Lastly, you will have to choose a category for your blog/website.
  4. Select your platform.  In this case, of course, you will select WordPress.
  5. Go to comments>>settings and sign in with your Disqus information.  Select the site you are working with. (This should be the only one, unless you are adding several all at the same time.) You have now added Disqus to your website!
  6. Import old WordPress comments.  Disqus “takes over” your website’s commenting sections, meaning all old comments on your site will become invisible.  This can be easily fixed, however, if you so choose.  Just go to comments>>Disqus and then select the plugins settings tab. (It should be located in the top right corner!)  Scroll down to the import/export section and select export.  This will export all old comments and import them into your current Disqus system.

There you have it!  With Disqus running on your website, it will be easier to focus on the aspects of your website that really matter.  Happy moderating!

How To Add The Disqus Comment System
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How To Add The Disqus Comment System
If you’re serious about presenting your users with a refined and professional experience, then it is highly recommended that you make use of Disqus
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RFE Hosting
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