
7 Tips on Writing Content for You Website.

Writing Great Content

Starting a website is a fulfilling challenge that requires business owners to build multiple skills in various fields. For example, you must cultivate both the technical knowledge needed to use WordPress, as well as the deal-searching skills needed in order find the highest-quality, most cost-efficient hosting services. One highly important skill needed in order to develop a website tends to scare people more than any other: writing.

Thankfully, writing new content for your website doesn’t have to be painful. By following just a few simple rules, you can write excellent content for your new website that will attract new clients and customers—and maybe even teach you a thing or two about your own industry. Here are 7 quick tips that will help you make your website the best it can be.

Be original. It is sometimes painfully obvious to be reading something that was clearly re-worded from another website. Instead, rely on your own knowledge and research in order to write something that give real, original value.
Choose great headlines. No one wants to click on a boring headline, and unread content is not worth writing!

Be accurate and up-to-date. Inaccurate information will turn away customers and hurt your search engine rankings. Do your research, and insert links to trusted, up-to-date sources.
Be engaging. Make your website fun to read, and your audience will reward you greatly!
Use video, audio, and images. To build upon that last point—include lots of visual and audio content to make your website extra-engaging. Variety is always a plus!
Be concise. People are busy. Don’t waste their time rambling on and on.
Update, update, update. Search engines and people alike respond positively to content that is frequently updated.

Now that you’ve learned the basics, you’re ready to start writing! Good luck, and remember—the RFE Hosting blog is full of great advice for every step of your web-building journey!

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