
Google Friend Connect Retirement?

Wow this came to me as a big shocker, and quite a stupid update.  Not sure what Google is thinking with this move. It seems like just a way for them to build up Google+.

  • Google Friend Connect—Friend Connect allows webmasters to add social features to their sites by embedding a few snippets of code. We’re retiring the service for all non-Blogger sites on March 1, 2012. We encourage affected sites to create a Google+ page and place a Google+ badge on their site so they can bring their community of followers to Google+ and use new features like Circles and Hangouts to keep in touch.

Taken from their lastest blog post:

So I would suggest you get what ever new system or social networking option you want to move to, and get it setup now so by the time they flip the switch and bury GFC, so you wont be left in the Dark.

Here is a guide that can help you get started with a Google+ Page:

And a Link to the Google+ Badge setup:


How to upload & insert images to a post or page

The past couple weeks i have been searching around the Interweb, and found many people have problems uploading and inserting images into their WordPress posts/pages.

So I have put together this quick guide on how to do just that!

There are 2 ways of doing this:

  1. In WordPress there is the “Media” Library that allows you to upload images to your blog, then use the link provided to add it to a page/post or anywhere else on your site.
  2. The second way is to upload/insert it directly from the post or page you are creating using the menu option shown on the page and post interface.

So here is the quick guide on each method on how to upload and insert images onto posts or pages of your blog

Post – Page Insert/Upload Menu Button:

Step 1: Make sure you are on the visual editor tab while creating your post/page.

Step 2: Find the “Upload/Insert” menu bar area on your post screen – http://screencast.com/t/oSygM2CD

Step 3: Press the “Add an image” Button, and select the image you want to upload/insert – http://screencast.com/t/s39Ns6sgqN1http://screencast.com/t/taz9ODn6ubuP

Step 4: Once you have selected your image, you can then adjust the settings for that image(title, caption, size,alignment options), then click “Insert into post” – http://screencast.com/t/rbdMcMsSpUe

Step 5: You have now clicked the “Insert into post” button, so should now have an image showing up in your post/page you are working on


Media Library image uploading/insert into post:

Step 1: Locate the “Media” left side menu option in your WordPress dashboard, then press “add new” – http://screencast.com/t/3femsFdgTbr

Step 2: Select the files (yes you can upload in bulk using this option) you want to upload, then upload them – http://screencast.com/t/Ni7czy4ZN

Step 3: Once uploaded you can now go to your post/page and insert them from the media library by following these easy steps:

  1. Click the upload/insert button – http://screencast.com/t/rJonpCy2q
  2. Then click the “Media Library” Tab – http://screencast.com/t/BEm598uYeqQ
  3. Once clicked, you will then see the images you have uploaded – http://screencast.com/t/XOfNXYNEkRw
  4. From that screen you can click the  “show” button next to the image you want to insert, make your changes to the image, then click the “insert into post” and that will add it to your current post/page you are working on.





Google Friend Connect Install via WordPress

Here is a quick guide on how to install Google Friend Connect (GFC) to your WordPress Blog.

Step 1: Visit The GFC account page and create an account if you do not have one already )

  1. Add New Site – http://screencast.com/t/S8f61uAi
  2. Enter your site info (Site Name, Site Url, Press Continue) – http://screencast.com/t/7ns8TxKG

Step 2: Login to your WordPress Blog, and go to your widgets section and add a new text widget

  1. Login
  2. Go to Appearance > Widgets – http://screencast.com/t/OyxylkTjOiiz
  3. Add a new text widget to your sidebar/footer – http://screencast.com/t/GeMVKCU7
  4. In GFC, click “Add the members gadget”, set the colors you would like, then generate the code – http://screencast.com/t/Op3pg1cOKvcT
  5. Copy/paste the code into your new WordPress Widget – http://screencast.com/t/iyzE5CuCB

Step 3: Save your widget, and refresh your home page – http://screencast.com/t/d4OqibGk0ke



How do I install Google Analytics tracking into my WordPress blog (Hosted)

Here is a quick guide on how to setup your Google Analytics tracking on WordPress.

We recommend using a plugin called “All In One Webmaster” as it makes the process quick and easy.

Step 1: Download/install “All In One Webmaster” @ http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/all-in-one-webmaster/

Step 2: Login to your google analytics account

Step 3: Find the UA- profile number for your website you want to track, if you do not have one, go ahead and create one. (the profile id is located in the “Website Profiles” section of Google Analytics.)

Step 4: Copy that UA- Profile ID.

Step 5: Login to your WordPress blog, go to settings > All In One Webmaster.

Step 6: Locate the “Analytics Options” area in the plugin, and paste your UA- Profile id into the Google analytics field – http://screencast.com/t/K0HEC10G1

Step 7: Save it!

And that’s it! Once that process is complete you can now verify, and start tracking your site stats with Google Analytics.


How to install WordPress Manually – Using RFE Hosting

I have had many people ask how this is done, so i figured i might as well make a post about it.

So ill do it step by step in the order i usually do it.

Step 1: Download WordPress from their download side, and save it on your computer.

Step 2: Connect to your hosting account using a ftp client, I recommend Filezilla, or SmartFTP.

  • Enter your server hostname/username/password and connect.
  • Once connected, navigate to your www or public_html folder.
  • Upload the contents of your WordPress zip file to the directory above.
  • Your directory structure should look similar to this: http://screencast.com/t/n0eXti5rZ2

Step 3: Login to your hosting account, and create your mysql database, we use Cpanel:

Step 4: Finish up the WordPress Install

Step 5: Login to your newly “manually” installed WordPress site using the admin login/pass in step 4 – http://screencast.com/t/YWuBrziHRwha


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